Seed Quality Control Services

SGS seed testing labs are accredited by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) and monitored by Seeds Canada. Our accredited seed analysts are experts in cereal, pulse, canola, grass, legume, vegetable, flower, industrial hemp and native species germination, purity and disease testing. We offer flexibility in testing for any market, analyzing by the Canadian, AOSA or ISTA seed testing rules. We are your partner for domestic, import and export of seed products.
We are an INTERNATIONAL SEED TESTING ASSOCIATION (ISTA) lab, authorized to issue Orange and Blue International Certificates, plus provide ISTA Sampler Training! LEARN MORE HERE.
NEW! Drop off location in Guelph, ONT. FIND ADDRESS HERE.

Germination and Physical PurityWe understand the global reach of seed testing and conduct analysis based on validated standards outlined by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency, the Association of Official Seed Analysts (AOSA) and the International Seed Testing Association (ISTA).

Seed PathologyOur seed borne disease services range from targeted single species identification to comprehensive Fungal Scan quantification, with focus on pathogens that impact seedling emergence and development.

Seed Health and ViabilityWe assess storability, stress and morphological characteristics for seed longevity and health.

Wheat Midge Refuge TestingSGS has validated 21 wheat varieties. Check out our list below.
1) Germination & Physical Purity
Standard Germination, Treated Germination, Custom Seed Treatment Application, Replicated Germination for Research.
Physical Purity, Pure Seed, Seed Grading, Seed Demotion, Seed Identification
Federal Noxious Weed Exam, APHIS PPQ925 and CFIA 5289
AOSA Purity %, AOSA Germination
ISTA Purity %, ISTA Other Seed Determination, ISTA Germination
REGAL phytosanitary analysis for grain exports to all countries
SICA program for seed import
2) Seed Pathology
Cereals: Fusarium graminearum (plated/DNA), Fusarium species ID (5 species), Fungal Scan (all seed borne diseases), True Loose Smut, Cochliobolus sativus, Bacterial Leaf Streak (PCR & qPCR for seed)
Pulses: Ascochyta, Botrytis, Anthracnose, Sclerotinia, Aphanomyes (PCR for soil and tissue)
Canola: Blackleg (growth assay/DNA for seed and stem), Alternaria, Clubroot (PCR & qPCR for soil and tissue)
Corn: Fusarium graminearum
3) Seed Health & Viabilty
Cereals: Cool Stress Test (vigor), Tetrazolium, Kernel Weight, Moisture, Radicle Emergence
Pulses: Cool Stress Test (vigor), Electrical Conductivity, Kernel Weight, Moisture
Canola: Cool Stress Test (vigor), Controlled Detrioration, Radicle Emergence, Chlorophyll Content, Electrical Conductivity, Green Seed, Kernel Weight, Seed Size Uniformity, Cracked Seed Assessment, Moisture
Soybean: Cold Test, Accelerated Aging, Seeds/lb, Moisture
Corn: Cold Test, Saturated Cold Test, Seed Count, Moisture
Hemp: Cool Stress Test (vigor), Tetrazolium, Kernel Weight, Moisture
Grasses & Legumes: Tetrazolium
Vegetables: Cold Test, Multi-Day Sprout Test
Herbicide Bioassays: Glyphosate, Glufosinate, Clearfield Confirm, Dicamba
4) Wheat Midge Refuge Testing
Wheat Midge Refuge testing for Select, Foundation, Registered and Certified seed. We have all the seed quality tests to apply for a CSGA Crop Certificate, meet grade table standards and build product confidence. We are ready to conduct the Wheat Midge Refuge test for these Canadian wheat varieties:
- AAC Awesome, AAC Broadacres, AAC Camrose, AAC Craven, AAC Galore, AAC Hodge, AAC Oakman, AAC Paramount, AAC Rimbey, AAC Russell, AAC Starbuck, AAC Stoughton, AAC Walker, AAC Weyburn, AAC Wheatland
- AC Sadash
- CDC Adamant, CDC Hughes, CDC Landmark, CDC Succession CL Plus, CDC Utmost
Need help or have question?
SEND US A REQUEST 1.800.952.5407 CA.cropscience@sgs.comSample Submission Forms