Grain Quality & REGAL Export Services

SGS processes samples with validated test methodologies, as outlined by the Canadian Grain Commission (CGC) & approved by the American Association of Cereal Chemistry (A.A.C.C) standards, and combines experienced staff to deliver professional services. We provide customized and innovative solutions for research trials, product development, commodity monitoring and end use verification.
We are approved by CFIA to analyze grain for issuance of Phytosanitary Certificates, known as RECOGNITION OF EXPORT GRAIN ANALYSIS BY AUTHORIZED LABORATORIES (REGAL) program. Call us now to hear how we can quickly process analysis, for grain destined to all countries.

Grain Export Services Our REGAL grain assessment meets the demands of grain exporters, who are focused on swift Phytosanitary Certificate issuance.

Mycotoxin Quantification of vomitoxin in corn provides knowledge of product conformity for feed domestic markets.

Advanced Molecular Diagnostics We deploy multiple technologies to quantify and detect GMO Events.
1) Grain Export Services
REGAL analysis for Phytosanitary Certificates: Container and Vessel grain shipments.
2) Corn Mycotoxin
Corn: Vomitoxin and other Mycotoxins
4) Advanced Molecular Diagnostics
GMO Screen and Event Testing: PCR & qPCR (SGS Saskatoon)
Need help or have question?
SEND US A REQUEST 1.800.952.5407 CA.cropscience@sgs.comSample Submission Forms