Forage, Feed & Ingredient Services

SGS offers a wide range of analysis through various methods including Wet Chemistry, NIR, and microbiological assays, each precisely validated and calibrated for accuracy. We provide timely analysis for forage analysis, feed formulation, manure management, livestock water safety and companion animal food. Feel confident in your SGS test results as we participate in proficiency testing programs (PTP) including NFTA (National Forage Testing Association) and AAFCO (The Association of American Feed Control Officials). SGS Crop Science’s full scope of ISO/ISE 17025 accreditations for feed, forage and fertilizer testing are available on the Standards Council of Canada website. Our testing packages cover both NIR quick testing to the latest comprehensive analysis for leading livestock, dairy and equine ration balancing programs.

Feed & Forage We have a wide range of packages for the broad spectrum of grain, silage, hay and fresh forage products.

Ingredients Let us help you optimize profit by analyzing ingredient quality and safety for end use markets, including companion animals.

Manure Our manure testing is the preferred program for calculating nutrient credits in a fertilizer program.

Livestock Water Our SGS partner labs are experts in mineral analysis, as well as microbiological health tests.
1) Forage and Ingredients Analysis
Forage and TMR Wet Chemistry Packages
Ingredient and Finished Feed Wet Chemistry Packages
Forage and TMR NIR Packages
Swine, Poultry, Equine Packages
Corn Packages
Rapid Scissor Cut
Toxin Screens: Vomitoxin, Zearalenone, T-2, Aflatoxin
Heavy Metals: Arsenic, Lead, Mercury, Selenium, Heavy Metal Full Scan
2) Feed and Ingredient Analysis
Ingredients and Finished Feeds Packages
Mineral Premix Packages
Fats and Oils: MIU, Peroxide Value, Fatty Acid, 20 Hour AOM, Iodine Value
Toxin Screens: Vomitoxin, Zearalenone, T-2, Aflatoxin
Heavy Metals: Arsenic, Lead, Mercury, Selenium, Heavy Metal Full Scan
3) Manure Analysis
Manure Liquid Package: Dry matter, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, total salts, ammonium nitrogen
Manure Dry Package: Dry matter, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, ammonium nitrogen
4) Livestock Water Analysis
Mineral Analysis Package: pH, nitrate nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, calcium, chloride, sulphate, total salt(EC), bicarbonate, sodium, total dissolved solids, total hardness, zinc, manganese, copper, iron, boron, silicon
Microbiological Tests: Coliform, E.coli, Listeria, Streptococcus, Yeast, Mold, Salmonella, Clostridium perfringens
Need help or have question?
SEND US A REQUEST 1.800.952.5407 CA.cropscience@sgs.comSample Submission Forms