Soil, Leaf & Water Services

soil, leaf and water testing services canada

SGS has the latest technologies and state-of-the-art laboratories for every phase of the agricultural production cycle. We also test prior to remediation or restoration, to assist with benchmarking and areas of focus for amending. Our Guelph laboratory has various accreditations, building upon our commitment to precision. For plant tissue, our testing methods are ISO/IEC 17025:2017 accredited by Standards Council of Canada, plus our soil nutrient testing is accredited by OMAFRA. Ensuring compliance with industry standards, we also participate in the North American Proficiency Testing Program for plant tissue and soil analysis. We analyze many analytes for your business including fertilizer, compost, topsoil, manure, and residential soil. As the industry has evolved, we are leaders in providing data for soil health calculators. SGS is unable to process or conduct tests on soil samples imported from other countries, as well as those collected from areas within Canada that are subject to regulations stipulated by the Government of Canada Plant Protection Regulations.

NEW for 2025! SGS Guelph has attained PROGRAMME D’ACCRÉDITATION DES LABORATOIRES D’ANALYSE (PALA) accreditation, now offering agricultural soil testing in Quebec. Learn more by calling: 1.905.364.3771.

Pathology ServicesPathology diagnostic services of soil, media, water, root & plant tissue impacts cropping and sanitation practices in agriculture, greenhouse, construction and remedial activities. We offer single species confirmation services as well as DNA Multiscans.

Nutrient ServicesLaboratory analysis plays a key role in managing nutrients for field crops and identifying amendments for remediation. SGS can assist growers and restoration companies by providing the nutrient, physical, and chemistry specifications necessary for management decisions.

Water Services for Irrigation ManagementAgricultural water testing builds data points to improve irrigation usage and monitor nutrients.

1) Pathology Services

Soil & Media: Clubroot (PCR, qPCR), Aphanomyces (PCR), Aphanomyces plus Fusarium (PCR), Soybean Cyst Nematode, Nematode Count, Basic MultiScan (31 fungal pathogens), Diagnostic MultiScan (70 fungal pathogens)

Leaf, Stem & Root Tissue: Clubroot (PCR), Aphanomyces (PCR), Blackleg Race (KASP SNIP), Bacterial Leaf Streak (PCR), Basic Multiscan (31 fungal pathogens), Diagnostic MultiScan (70 fungal pathogens), Virus Testing also available.

Water: Basic Multiscan (30 pathogens)

2) Nutrient Services

Soil and Media: Nutrient. We have packages designed for eastern and western soil types. Let us know where you farm!

Leaf Tissue: Basic and Complete nutrient packages

Nitrate-N, Ammonium-N, P, K, Sulfate-S, Mg, Ca, Zn, Mn, Cu, Fe, B, Chloride, pH, Organic Matter %, Electrical Conductivity (total salts), Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC), K:Mg ratio, Base Saturation.

3) Irrigation & Spray Water

Irrigation Water: Test values are also converted to pounds of nutrient per acre-inch. Also suitable for Spray Water Testing.

Nutrients, pH, Electrical Conductivity, Total hardness, Bicarbonates, Sodium, Total Dissolved Solids

4) Fertilizers, Heavy Metals & Pesticides

Fertilizers: N, P205, K20, Agricultural Lime

Heavy Metals: Arsenic, cadmium, cobalt, copper, lead, mercury, molybdenum, nickle, selenium, zinc

Pesticide Scan: 475 chemical pesticide scan for soil, water and produce.


5) Manure Testing

:Manure Liquid Package: Dry matter, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, total salts, ammonium nitrogen

Manure Dry Package: Dry matter, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, ammonium nitrogen

6) Compost Analysis

Compost I Package

Compost II Package

7) Residential Packages

Home, Lawn & Garden Package

Topsoil Package

Green Rooftop Package

8) NEW Soil Health Package

Soil Health Package: 5 tests for OMAFRA SHP calculator


Organic Matter

9) Soil Physical Analysis

Texture, Sand Fraction, Bulk Density, Hydraulic conductivity/permeability, Packing Core, Proctor Mold Test

Learn More

Our Prices, Sample Submission Forms and Sample Bags are available by contacting us anytime. SGS Terms and Conditions apply.